
Escape To Nature

Visit the tranquil Crymlyn bog and Pant y Sais and journey along the trails of the National Nature Reserve. Escape into the beautiful natural surroundings and explore the habitat of rare plant and animal life. In a short space of time, you will feel transported a million miles away from the busy Swansea life. 

​You can find more information about the Wetland habitat at Natural Resources Wales / Crymlyn Bog National Nature Reserve, near Swansea


Travelling along the trails, you can experience for yourself the wide range of wildlife calling the area their home. Here’s a taster to spark your interest …

The Fen Raft Spider

Crymlyn Bog and Pant y Sais are the habitat of the rare Fen Raft spider (dolomedes plantarius). Discovered here in 2003, this is the only place in Wales where it is found and one of only 3 places in the UK.  

How lucky we are to have this rare spider on our doorstep!

​The Fen Raft Spider is protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. 

This spider can reach up to 7cm across (including legs) the body is rich brown or black in colour with white or cream stripes along the sides of the cephalothorax and abdomen. It will often sit at the water’s edge using the tension of the surface to detect vibrations from potential prey then move across the water like a raft to catch it.

Find out more interesting facts about the Fen raft spider – Bug Directory – Buglife

Funnel Web Spider

Funnel web spiders have also been found on the banks of the canal.

Their signature webs are easy to identify – flat and horizontal with an open funnel. The funnel acts as a hiding place for the spider as it waits for prey to become entrapped in its web, but also services as an escape tunnel if the web is disturbed.  

Funnel spiders tend to build their webs in long grass earning their other name “grass spider”. 


Across the UK, the playful otters are making a return to waterside woodlands. Here, they enjoy the habitat which provides clean freshwater and secluded, safe places to relax and raise their young. 

Otters are most active at night but you may spot signs of them being nearby. Find out more about what to look for at Otter (Lutra lutra) – British Mammals – Woodland Trust


You can also spot a variety of bird species such as kingfisher, sedge warbler, peregrine falcons, herons, cormorant and buzzards. There are many waterfowl found on the canal including ducks, mute swans and geese.


The canal has been fished for many years. It holds a good head of fish which include pike, tench, perch, carp, bream, roach, rudd and eels. Many local youngsters have learned to fish on the canal.

Save The Tennant Canal | Made for The Community*

*By local tech Steve Thomas who gave his time and skills for free to help save the canal.